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Should I Brush or Floss First?

Should I Brush or Floss First?

Creating an oral hygieneroutineat home is important to help maintain your oral health and keep yourteeth and gums feeling great. Brushing and flossing each day is extremely important,and the order inwhich you do these two items is a common question. Many wonder which way gives the most benefit.

Is Brushing First Better?

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is a key part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Brushingcleans yourteeth and removes plaque,as well as prevents cavities from developing. Brushing is not theonly thingyou need to do to keep your oral hygiene in check. Flossing is another integral part of oralhygiene. The order in which you do these two items is a popular discussion.

Brushing does allow the toothpaste with fluoride to get in-between the teeth and help lift residualplaque when you floss after brushing. Studies show that flossing first is better, and is a more efficientway to keep up with your oral health. Flossing last also leaves particles in your mouth if you do notremember to rinse afterwards.

What About Flossing First?

Flossing first has many benefits, and recent studies now recommend that you should floss first beforeyou brush. Flossing first helps to loosen that plaque buildup, as well as increase fluoride concentrationbetween your teeth. When you brush after flossing the brushing then helps to remove those particlesthat are released from flossing. This helps to reduce plaque in your mouth, and lowers your risk ofdeveloping gum disease. Brushing after you floss helps the toothpaste to really do its job to protect yourteeth from decay.

Benefits of Flossing and Brushing

  • Prevents gum diseasethat is caused by poor dental hygiene or not brushingand flossingproperly. Routine dental cleanings in our office areimportant and we recommend dentalcleanings at least twice a year.
  • Removes plaque that is the leading cause of gum disease.If you floss and brush your teethregularly plaque does not havethe chance to harden on your teeth.
  • Prevents decay and costly dental procedures. If you take care of your oral health you can avoidserious complications or dental procedures in the future.

Overall, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy by practicinggood oral hygiene habits. Cavities andgum disease are preventable, and remembering to floss and brush each day will help keep your mouthfeeling great. Visiting our office regularly for your cleaning and exam is another way to stay on top ofyour oral health.

During your dental exam our team will discuss any hygiene recommendations, and review how to keepup with your oral hygiene care at home. Taking care of your oral health is important, and your health isour priority.

If you are interested in findingout more about how to improve your oral hygiene routine at home, or toschedule your next dental exam, contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you.

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